[In Photos] Humanoid Robots Draw Crowds on Shanghai Park Outing
Ren Yuming
DATE:  Mar 19 2025
/ SOURCE:  Yicai
[In Photos] Humanoid Robots Draw Crowds on Shanghai Park Outing [In Photos] Humanoid Robots Draw Crowds on Shanghai Park Outing

(Yicai) March 19 -- With the arrival of spring, humanoid robots have been seen joining flesh-and-blood humans in various outdoor activities.

On the afternoon of March 17, the latest general-purpose android developed by Shanghai-based developer Fourier took a stroll through Century Park, the city’s largest, drawing crowds of curious onlookers who followed their every move.

Three robots went on the outing. Two stood at 1.75 meters tall and moved with steady poise. The smaller of the three, measuring around 1.3 meters high, sported a baseball cap, a black vest, and a frog-shaped backpack and dashed ahead playfully, requiring a light jog to keep up.

A robot stands in the sunshine, greeting onlookers.

Strollers take photos of the smaller of the three robots.

A robot forms a heart shape with its arms.

A robot takes a break with a cup of coffee.

A child takes hold of a robot’s hand.

Editor: Tom Litting

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Keywords:   Robert,Fourier,Shanghai